Marvel Comics Portfolio Reviews at C2E2
Aspiring artist looking for your big break? We’re delighted to announce that Marvel Comics will be on hand at C2E2 this year to perform limited portfolio reviews over the weekend. Portfolio reviews will take place on Saturday and Sunday of the show (with drop-offs happening the day before, respectively).
- Portfolios can be submitted in Room N426AB on Friday, March 31 from 10:00 AM-5:00 PM and Saturday, April 1 from 10:00 AM-5:00 PM. Review sessions for these submissions will take place the following day(s)
- Portfolios MUST contain your contact information. This includes your full name, cell phone number, and e-mail address.
- Portfolio review schedule will be posted in Room N426AB on the mornings of Saturday, April 1 and Sunday , April 2. Please visit this location to confirm your scheduled review time and location for the reviews.
- Do not leave original work with us. Whatever your portfolio contains, make sure you keep the original work. We cannot be responsible for any lost or misplaced work.
- Please respect the Editors' time and opinion.
- Review sessions are limited to artists only.
- Not all submissions will be chosen for review.
Please note: Submissions/portfolios will NOT be returned.